Friends are currently in Pulau Redang and I'm here freezing my external organs (b-a-l-l-s just in case you don't get it) off. Sorry for the vulgarity. Must be the weather XP
Anyways, have you guys noticed how weird Lady Gaga is? I mean c'mon. Here videos are just bizzare with all the symbolism. I guess it's not suprising that people link her excessive use of symbolism to satanism.
Ok..this is realll bizzare..
Take a look at her latest video "Alejandro"
Isn't that freakishly bizzare?? got me..that's just a spoof video. But seriously the real video is as freaky as this one. With the swallowing of the rosary which looked kinda blasphemous to me. LADY GAGA FREAKS ME OUT!!!!
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